I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Prince of Persia + Capricco XXV

Friday was sushi + Prince of Persia with Crystal :) Prince of Persia was actually a lot better than I expected it to be, since I kind of went in with the mindset that it would be like Clash of the Titans... or worse. If you want some mindless entertainment with an easy to follow plot and pretty graphics (especially if you like video games) it's really quite okay! Jake Gyllenhaal looked as gorgeous as always, despite the greasy long hair, and I actually liked him and the princess together! Sometimes it's as cheesy as hell (ahem Clash of the Titans) but this one was nice :3 The soundtrack was good too. Plus we watched it for free at The Grand Cathay, thanks to some promotion Crystal's dad got with some bank :)

Today was HC Band at VCH with Abii. We ate at the coolest McD's at Boat Quay (because we were broke hahaha stupid concerts + flowers :P) then met Sam and one of Crystal's classmates. It was quite cool because Abii and I know Sam in different ways. Sam was Abii's primary school classmate and I know Sam from Chinese tutition in Sec 2. And now she's Crystal's classmate! I never though I would see Sam again after I stopped Chinese tuition, so this was really cool haha. HC Band was quite good (but I wouldn't know otherwise, since I don't know much about band) and the acoustics were wonderful. The sound doesn't just hang in there like it does at RP and it felt like we were being wrapped and surrounded by the music (Y) My favourite piece was probably Nobody hahaha it was so cute :3




Pooh balloon :3

Friday, May 28, 2010


Rehearsal at PAC right after GP Common Test (which I just hope I don't fail D: I thought it was damn sad that Ravins had to sit for it on his birthday. He was showing me his baby photos, which were really quite adorable. So I asked him, “What happened?” [as in what happened, why aren't you as adorable anymore?] Then he replied, “What do you mean what happened? I just got more and more handsome” Damn funny omg) on Wednesday was incredibly long because we were practising J1 Batch Item at LT6 from 3.30p.m. to 5.30p.m.before dinner + rehearsal. So effectively practice was from 3.30p.m. to 10p.m.

At least I had Joy to keep me entertained with her going around proclaiming her love for everyone.

Joy: I love you Joel!
Joel: Well I don't mind

After saying that Armaan was handsome, she asked me to pass on to Kewei that she admired his dedication to his instrument since he was practising nearly every moment he wasn't on stage (Y) He took quite long to get the compliment though hahaha. An example of how dedicated he was was Haolin and I deciding that it would be unfair to include Kewei in the comment that Haolin made about us being unfocussed as an ensemble. (During the concert itself Haolin told Kewei not to quit Guitar no matter how busy he gets, with his Asian Physics Olympiad :O)

The buzz in the canteen before we left for DBS Auditorium after we were given the permission to pon the last day of school after 2 hours of lessons was quite palpable. Tey Guan was talking to ~Markie~ (the nickname he created for Marken lol); Joy and I were being high and talking about crappy stuff while eating.

(Marken takes off his specs)
J: Omg he looks better without his specs!
B: No he doesn't he looks the same z.z

Then Hankun sat down and we decided that Marken and Hankun made such a beautiful couple~ So much love was emanating from their interaction that Joy decided that even Crystal and I aren't as disgustingly in love. (Too bad for Joel, his girlfriend was swept of his feet and stolen away by someone else. [Oh the irony and incongruent pronouns!] But Hankun and Marken broke up on the bus ride back to school after the concert anyway haha)

Once again Kewei was practising guitar when we moved to the GO to wait for the bus. I stole his guitar when Haolin got him into a discussion about Machiavelli's The Prince x.x Halfway through we heard Ji Heng and Delwyn play Hanuman so Joy and I went over to listen to them being amazing. :)

Rehearsal at DBS Auditorium was slightly awkward because the space we had was a lot smaller than the PAC's. But it the acoustics were a ton better, so that made up for us having to climb up a spiral staircase wearing skirts :P There wasn't a corridor behind the stage for us to cross from stage left to stage right so we had to walk across the lobby if we wanted to switch sides z.z We saw Marken run across the lobby in between the main ensemble's and the junior ensemble's pieces with the guitarron (which Joy affectionately nicknamed Ron Ron, although Momo calls it Ronnie) and the stick fell out so we told him to take good care of our darling Ron Ron~ I can't remember if this was before or after Joy exclaimed that I was right about Marken having girly hands when he was playing Ron Ron in the corridor backstage. "Omg you're right he has girly hands! So feminine! So pretty!" Ruined by the blister Ron Ron gave him though hahaha. I don't really remember why we were talking about hands but I know I said Ji Heng has beautiful hands. :3

Crystal came around 5.30p.m., which was during our break so we were hanging out backstage~ My favourite part of the entire concert was probably listening to Marken and Joel play Explosive in the corridor backstage while Crystal was helping Joy and I put on makeup in the handicapped toilet (where Joy told me I look pretty only when I have my hair in a French braid and when I'm not wearing my specs z.z I think she has something against spectacles). They sounded absolutely amazing in the confined space, I wish that was how people heard it, because it felt like we were being enveloped in the music and it was such a warm fuzzy feeling. Especially since their small group was really really really good :)

Crystal was the only one I saw before the intermission, during which I walked across the lobby with Joel's alto and saw Debs, who only just arrived thanks to some miscommunication with Abii z.z The best part was giving/getting hugs with the guitar still clutched in one hand :) So good to see everyone again omg :3

One of the most amusing things for me was cringing over ties. Cutting the price tag off Hankun's newly bought white tie? (Y) Just because I couldn't stand it hahaha :3

(Before Explosive)
B: Omg your tie. Fix it, I'll hold your guitar.
M: (shifts tie a bit) Okay done
B: Will you button your shirt properly?!
M: No! Give me back my guitar!
(tussle over alto ensues)

Then I gave up and said that the more I looked at Marken the more pain my eyes would suffer so I went upstairs to watch Hanuman and Explosive :) I think the only real regret I have is not being able to see the concert myself (even though we all heard the auditions and the rehearsals a few times before the real concert) because I thought we were awesome. The Show, Usher Valse, Love Me/You and I Both, Hanuman and Brazilian Street Dance (amongst many others) -- the variety was so great and I think for people who don't play guitar, it was an eyeopener to see the all the different kinds of sounds you can create with a guitar :) Mas Que Nada was especially amazing since we only got the piece roughly a week before the concert, but I think we pulled it off quite effectively, all things considered. The rhythm was infectious and I was bobbing in my seat while playing :)

After the concert it was a mad rush to go around giving flowers and finding friends. Kewei actually went on stage to receive stalks of roses from a ton of people and a Pooh soft toy hahaha, Tey Guan also got a huge bunch of flowers. Azira came to pass me a sunflower, which was incredibly sweet because I know she doesn't like flowers all that much :) She also passed Marken chocolate since she knew he didn't want flowers :3 Then I went outside to find Abii, Brenda, Crystal and Debbie for pictures and hugs :) I passed them all flowers because my sister bought so many extras z.z We saw so many SN people, it was great! I just wish I had gotten pictures with everyone but it was this huge incredible rush to pack up all the guitars and load them on to the truck back to school. On the bus ride back to school Momo was playing the guitar and we were all singing along~

All I can say is, it was so so so much fun. ♥






(I wish my skin looked this pink and glowy all the time z.z Thanks makeup)


Sunday, May 23, 2010

My mom mixed up the time we had to be at the temple so we missed the prayers for my great-grandmother, and Beatrice and I forgot that there isn't guitar today. So essentially we left the house at 9.30a.m. and stoned at Starbucks for an hour for nothing. x.x And I was looking forward to guitar lesson as well, I'm learning Usher Valse :) Coolest song ever

In the end met Crystal at Woodlands because she wanted to pass to me her Newsweeks instead of throwing them away :3 Went to study at Woodlands library after eating lunch at Long John's Silver, where Crystal lost her pouch. We thought we were screwed because we had a bunch of tickets in there (if she had lost the Guitarra ticket I don't know what we could have done) but the chicken book saved us :) The service counter people had a different mental image of pouch from us (semantics! ELL knowledge coming into play again :) and they only realised we were talking about a purse when they realised we lost a book too.

I haven't really studied for GP, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to study for GP anyway. Ah well.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jubilate VII

It was beyond wonderful to see everyone again, especially all together like this. Such a rarity nowadays :) We were kind of late since there was a jam and we underestimated the time it would take to get to RP from Woodlands MRT and thus missed Band, which made Crystal sad because there was a song they were playing she wanted to hear. Thanks to the assigned seating, we were at the very last row on the second floor, but the sound was actually really really good up there. SO and Choir were especially good, and I really liked the Vivaldi and the Stand By Me + I'm Yours. Brenda, Debbie and Crystal were singing along to Jubilate Deo at the end (Y)

The LD skit was unexpectedly good, and it had a lot of references to SN that were damn funny. "I am officially mentally disturbed. Father Barre is standing in my room." There were dancing nuns and trip science muggers and cheerleaders and bimbos and councillors and they had singing. Halfway through the "Wherever we go, the St. Nicks spirit lives on" banner came out (Y) I miss my school (the day right up until Jubilate was crap (N), it seems the number of crappy days have been increasing exponentially. Maybe I'm just cranky and need more sleep).

The only thing I'm looking forward to now is guitar concert (after GP CT whooo although I haven't studied x.x). There is a shortage of tickets! So exciting :) I think I have to kick someone from my family out so Brenda can come.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

VJ Guitar

Suffered through PW talk which was strangely useful but incredibly boring at the same time. If doing normal tutorial and thermal physics is more interesting than the talk (since watching people sleep is only interesting for so long), then yeah, it was pretty dull. Since it ended at 5.30p.m., I skipped French Connection once again. x.x Cannot keep missing leh, if my attendance drops below 75% I might as well never attend.

Met up with Joy, Joel and Marken after the talk and sort of forced them into a cab to go to VJ. Heh. My rationale was that we needed to go get Joel's and Marken's tickets but mostly I just wanted to go see Brenda G :) The cab driver brought us to VS instead, I had to call my dad and ask for directions. Strangely I didn't feel all that alien in the VJ canteen as the rest seemed to be. Saw Ruth, then called Cheryl Seet to come find us to pass us the tickets (then found out that our conductor had complimentary tickets x.x)

Made our way to Mandrian Gardens for dinner, which happened to be some sort of apartment building that reminds me of Surfer's Paradise and was really nice. There was an ang moh baby playing with a cat as large as himself on the sidewalk! Hahaha and the restauarant was service charge free, and had good food. Marken and Joel were convinced the butter squid would take years off their lives (y) But it was nice enough that we ate it anyway :) And the fried rice was pretty good too! I was expecting crappy food, so I was plesantly surprised :) Plus the atmosphere was nice and it was cheap too.

It started drizzling when we decided to walk back to VJ so Brenda and her friend started walking very fast. Ahhh the good old days of asking her, "Why are you walking so fast??" during recess (y) Her friend walks just as fast too, they are so made for each other hahaha! Joel decided that walking that fast did more than enough to negate the butter squid and that he'd live to 90 or 100 :3

The Performance Theatre was really squished but it added to the ~close, cozy and comfy feeling heh. VJ was pretty good, there were a lot of amps and singing than I expected. After the concert Marken and Joel were calling Emily because they wanted to practise (y) Hearing our conductor speak made it feel like Guitar practice haha but it was cool to see all the different types of guitars. His rapping was pretty cool too!

(VJ Choir at the Esplanade with Abii was so fun too, the acoustics were top-notch, as were the singers. It was so so so great to see my fellow Bale-lover too :3)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Preliminary Idea

I don't think I've ever slept at 1a.m. for some school-related thing before. Thanks PI, you've just set a new record. 3 different topics, at least 3 drafts each. And my printer decided to conk out on me yesterday, so my dad went to his office at 6a.m. in the morning to print my PI out for me :3

Yesterday was momentous. Small group audition for guitar concert, Guitar exco speech and last day of refining PI. Despite failing ELL P1 today, I feel like I can finally take a deep breath and relax.

I thought I lost my water bottle. I freaked and asked the security guard to open LT1 for me. In the end I left it on the counter at 7-11 x.x I only realised I had some sort of sentimental attachment to that water bottle after being all D: at the prospect of never seeing it again. I think it's a combination of it being the bottle that accompanied me through so much in Sec 4 and it being yellow in colour.