I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I don't feel like typing in coherent paragraphs today, so here goes:
  • I am aching all over, thanks to PE. Back, arms, calves, stomach, you name it. My ribs hurt too, for that matter.
  • Once again, I spent too much money on food. Damn you, Marche, for being so yummy. It was Crystal's first time at Marche :)
  • Saw Crystal's luvah~ after walking up to a group of HC people in my full school uniform to find her.
  • Bought A.J. Jacobs -- One Man's Quest To Be The Smartest Man In The World, seems quite interesting so far. Crystal bought Seventeen, haha. "How to flirt effectively~"
  • Stood outside Z Zegna to watch the show. It's nice how AJ, Jakob H., Jonas K. and the most important of all, Crystal Tee can brighten up my day so effectively :) Crystal suggested I buy Zegna pants for my hypothetical ang moh boyfriend with a hole in his pants.
  • My grandma taught me how to fold up my school uniform today (I've been struggling with the stupid pleat at the back of the blouse since PE lessons started ):

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