I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

(In which I abuse parentheses)

I post like once a month now haha oh man I am awesome :) I used to post pictures all the time but now I'm too lazy to upload any pictures on Photobucket and transfer them here when I actually do look for pictures, which is becoming an increasingly rare occurrence nowadays. Ah, the good old days :3

I bought Prince of Persia and Percy Jackson today for $9.90 each. I'm not sure why I bought them actually. I mean, they're nice enough to watch but they're not ~great. Then again I can count on one hand the movies I think are fantastic, so. I don't think I'm picky, I think I just don't watch enough movies ahem

I also saw Two Sides of the Moon for $80. I am seriously considering buying it. I can't even find the deluxe edition online! Talking about buying things online, I bought a new wallet on Etsy heehee it should be here in a few weeks! :) I must also remember to buy House S6 and A Single Man on Amazon tomorrow

The reason I'm buying so much stuff is because Promos is over! I guess it wasn't that bad, I barely even studied for it to be honest. I'm quite worried about getting a C for ELL. Yiling says it's out of character for me to be aiming for a C for an exam, plus I was looking through my notes right before the exam when we were having sushi at Thomson Plaza, which I, as a general rule, don't do (the looking through the notes before an exam part, not the eating sushi with Yiling part haha). I don't know, my studying habits have changed so much this year. I'm becoming increasingly lazy ): I wasn't even stressed for Promos and it's such a contrast with O Levels eh. It's quite worrying. I just hope I do well enough to take H3 Math. Ah well.

I feel really happy right now :) Since I spent the evening watching Percy Jackson (corniest lines ever haha), planning a Ke$ha-themed birthday party, buying stuff online and I've spoken to every single one of my close friends in the past two days ♥

Debbie! says: (AM 12:03:56)
Belinda says: (AM 12:05:06)
Debbie! says: (AM 12:07:58)
Debbie! says: (AM 12:08:17)
get you some underwear and print bale's pic on it
Debbie! says: (AM 12:08:22)
shit no i'll be too embarrassed
Debbie! says: (AM 12:08:25)
to go to the shop to do that
Belinda says: (AM 12:09:00)
Belinda says: (AM 12:09:03)
please do it!!
Belinda says: (AM 12:09:13)
omg omg omg i will never take it off! (: (: (:

When we were on the phone just now, Crystal told me she doesn't think I love her as much as she loves me ♥ Every time I think she's said the single sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me (she told me I make her happy the other day, which is the best compliment anyone has ever given me in my life :) she says something even sweeter ♥ I'm also meeting Abii tomorrow right after she finishes her last paper and I'm going to meet Debbie and Brenda on Saturday! :)

SN friends make me happy :)

SN was just so much simpler. You could go up to someone, ask them if they like Christian Bale, and become best friends :) You could become best friends with someone with the same birthday, because that's just awesome. You look forward to lab sessions because your lab partner is amazing ♥ There were always people to go recess with (and I actually looked forward to recess, now free blocks are just epic mugging sessions) and we would buy food from the same stall (and argue about where to buy food from beforehand because we eat Western stall too much) sit there with our emptied plates and talk about stuff until 5 minutes before the bell.

There were classmates who participated in my love for The Dark Knight, Star Trek, random male models (especially random male models! I remember people looking through my diary full of pictures of hot guys :), RVP and Cesc Fabregas, Queer as Folk and a lot more I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting right now. I remember listing the Hot 100 (an idea started by me and Bernice because we were upset that AfterElton only wanted the opinion of gay men on their Hot 100, we like talking about hot men too much to be concerned with labels~) during Physics and Chem mini-lectures in the Secondary AVA room with Crystal (the benefits of being index number partners with your bestest friend in the world :)

I just don't think I'll ever feel as comfortable in Raffles as I do in SN. I honestly can't imagine loving anyone in my class the way I love my SN friends. It doesn't matter that I wasn't close to everyone in class, it still felt like home (personally I feel that coming out of 4 Grace with 5 absolutely amazing friends is more than enough ♥). It doesn't matter that I argue with my desk partner on a regular basis because whatever it is, I always remember that I love her way too much to remain annoyed at her and she consistently forgives me when I piss her off as well. It doesn't matter if you want to put your legs up on the desk or if you want to strip in class because the pinafore is awesome and versatile like that :)

I'm just happy I have the next 2 months to enjoy being around my SN friends :) I think having friends that you just click with on every single level (I think Abii and I agree on just about every single hot guy, I honestly cannot express how important this can be in a friendship) makes it slightly harder to find new friends in a new environment. I mean, I want people to be funny, have their own opinion, like the same things I do, put up with me when I'm crabby (which won't happen all that often because there's no reason to be unhappy around awesome people), watch a movie with me JUST because I think an actor is handsome (and then not complain that much when it turns out to be a horrible horrible horrible movie) and there has to be that ~spark when we talk (or chemistry or whatever you want to call it. It's that feeling where you can talk to someone for hours and hours and then you run out of things to say but you still want to stay on the phone and come up with more nonsense to talk about because they're amazing that way).

(And I tell Bernice repeatedly that I'm incapable of love hahaha)

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