I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Monday, May 2, 2011

PAP was just making the rounds at my estate, which is sort of exciting, even though I have pictures with Inderjit Singh from my kindergarten days. AMK GRC is apparently not one of the more interesting contests in this election (there aren't even any Reform Party posters up around my neighbourhood), can't imagine how exciting it would be to live in Aljunied GRC!

People keep going on about PAP's scare tactics but I don't even need PAP to be absolutely terrified of people voting for the opposition parties just "for a change". Went to the Workers' Party rally last night and they're completely rhetoric and no substance. Met Joy there and she said they made no sense, but were strangely compelling. She told me that people just want their problems heard but I don't see how pointing out the rising standard of living without coming up with a concrete plan to correct it does anyone any favours. Furthermore, it's not like Singapore produces its own food or fuel so I don't see how PAP has very much to do with inflation.

WP also said PAP was too profit-driven. In a capitalist economy? I'm shocked, to be honest!

Joy says it's because we're not poor that we don't feel the pinch, which is a valid point, but I don't see how the opposition has anything to offer, rather than to "provide a check and balance" against the PAP bullies. Which, I feel, is kind of bullshit because the democratic ideal of 2 parties could go against us and make the government far less effective.

Can't believe some people I know, who are actually old enough to vote, think the elections are boring. And how some others feel corruption and bribery would be good because he would make more money................. Really don't know how to express my incredulity.

Someone pointed out Pinto can't possibly exist because CPine donated blood before and gay people can't donate blood. Which is bloody genius, really. Ah well, ZQ can date Jon Groff all he wants. They do kind of make a gross couple though (I realise this is sort of an unpopular opinion, judging from Tumblr reactions), Jon Groff both looks like a cabbage patch kid and Lea Michele simultaneously. Colton Haynes was far better looking, even though he WAS jailbait

Spent Saturday with the vamp coven :) Went for Marche and Crystal's piano recital. Being around Raffles people makes me constantly rethink what/how much I'm eating (I've honestly gotten "glutton" in response to how much I'm eating twice, from different people) and I know some classmates who are flipping ridiculously and who only think the Victoria's Secret beauty ideal is appreciable and who dismiss curves. So it was refreshing for people to question my food intake + support me in getting desert :) Really do miss my SN friends, I never feel so loved in school ♥

Abii and I have spent the 2 days discussing our views on relationships and we came to the conclusion we'd probably be in a relationship if we were less straight or if one of us were a guy. It's refreshing to talk to someone who just gets your point of view :)

(Probably a post with the weirdest amalgamation (!) of things I could possibly throw together. I just have varied interests okay)

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