I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Thursday, April 1, 2010

25 random things (stolen from FB)

1) My favourite colour is yellow.
2) My favourite bands are The Who, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. The only punk band I listen to is The Ramones
3) I used to ride horses. My greatest ambition when I was younger was to be a professional horseback rider.
4) I crack my knuckles. Maybe not a lot, but still too much to be desired.
5) The only piece I can play on guitar (without referring to a score) is Asturias.
6) I think Christian Bale in The Dark Knight is the epitome of perfection. Superhero + Lambhorghini + perfectly tailored bespoke Armani suit.
7) I like ~fashion~, my favourite designers are Yves Saint Laurent, Riccardo Tisci and Lacroix.
8) If I had a higher pain tolerance, I would wear 4-inch heels out all the time. I am thus stuck with Chucks and Dunks.
9) I spend way too much money on DVDs.
10) Ned/Chuck and House/Wilson are my favourite TV pairings.
11) I am in the process of reading Ovid's Metamorphosis. I just finished AJ Jacobs' The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest To Be The Smartest Person In The World, I liked it.
12) I desperately wish for my hair to be curly, like Roger Daltrey or Robert Plant
13) I think giraffes, elephants, zebras and unicorns are the best animals ever~
14) The only beauty product of sorts I use is Nivea SPF 50 whitening sunblock. And that's because I'm paranoid about tanning and getting skin cancer.
15) The first time I saw a naked guy was when a drunk Schoolie stripped on a balcony in Gold Coast
16) I have an (un)healthy obsession with this girl who looks creepily like Matthew Rhys.
17) My main goal in life is to marry a ginger Irishman and have ginger triplets.
18) I am going to be the second batch of students sitting for Linguistics at RI. I am simultaneously worried and excited.
19) Most of my best friends are from a certain demographic: female, Chinese, educated, upper class, heterosexual. St Nicks was a SAP school (shrugs). Although the last trait may be entirely my own fault haha.
20) I am pro choice and for gay marriage (I have gay neighbours!)
21) I speak English and Cantonese at home.
22) My favourite pieces of advice are, "When shit brings you down, just say "Fuck it" and eat yourself some motherfucking candy" and "Someone hates you for no reason? Give that motherfucker a reason."
23) When I marry (a certain someone, ahem ahem), Abii will be my bridesmaid and Crystal will play the wedding march.
24) I may be superficial, but I don't think I'm shallow. Joy Fu concurs.
25) I should be sleeping right now.

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