I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Friday, May 28, 2010


Rehearsal at PAC right after GP Common Test (which I just hope I don't fail D: I thought it was damn sad that Ravins had to sit for it on his birthday. He was showing me his baby photos, which were really quite adorable. So I asked him, “What happened?” [as in what happened, why aren't you as adorable anymore?] Then he replied, “What do you mean what happened? I just got more and more handsome” Damn funny omg) on Wednesday was incredibly long because we were practising J1 Batch Item at LT6 from 3.30p.m. to 5.30p.m.before dinner + rehearsal. So effectively practice was from 3.30p.m. to 10p.m.

At least I had Joy to keep me entertained with her going around proclaiming her love for everyone.

Joy: I love you Joel!
Joel: Well I don't mind

After saying that Armaan was handsome, she asked me to pass on to Kewei that she admired his dedication to his instrument since he was practising nearly every moment he wasn't on stage (Y) He took quite long to get the compliment though hahaha. An example of how dedicated he was was Haolin and I deciding that it would be unfair to include Kewei in the comment that Haolin made about us being unfocussed as an ensemble. (During the concert itself Haolin told Kewei not to quit Guitar no matter how busy he gets, with his Asian Physics Olympiad :O)

The buzz in the canteen before we left for DBS Auditorium after we were given the permission to pon the last day of school after 2 hours of lessons was quite palpable. Tey Guan was talking to ~Markie~ (the nickname he created for Marken lol); Joy and I were being high and talking about crappy stuff while eating.

(Marken takes off his specs)
J: Omg he looks better without his specs!
B: No he doesn't he looks the same z.z

Then Hankun sat down and we decided that Marken and Hankun made such a beautiful couple~ So much love was emanating from their interaction that Joy decided that even Crystal and I aren't as disgustingly in love. (Too bad for Joel, his girlfriend was swept of his feet and stolen away by someone else. [Oh the irony and incongruent pronouns!] But Hankun and Marken broke up on the bus ride back to school after the concert anyway haha)

Once again Kewei was practising guitar when we moved to the GO to wait for the bus. I stole his guitar when Haolin got him into a discussion about Machiavelli's The Prince x.x Halfway through we heard Ji Heng and Delwyn play Hanuman so Joy and I went over to listen to them being amazing. :)

Rehearsal at DBS Auditorium was slightly awkward because the space we had was a lot smaller than the PAC's. But it the acoustics were a ton better, so that made up for us having to climb up a spiral staircase wearing skirts :P There wasn't a corridor behind the stage for us to cross from stage left to stage right so we had to walk across the lobby if we wanted to switch sides z.z We saw Marken run across the lobby in between the main ensemble's and the junior ensemble's pieces with the guitarron (which Joy affectionately nicknamed Ron Ron, although Momo calls it Ronnie) and the stick fell out so we told him to take good care of our darling Ron Ron~ I can't remember if this was before or after Joy exclaimed that I was right about Marken having girly hands when he was playing Ron Ron in the corridor backstage. "Omg you're right he has girly hands! So feminine! So pretty!" Ruined by the blister Ron Ron gave him though hahaha. I don't really remember why we were talking about hands but I know I said Ji Heng has beautiful hands. :3

Crystal came around 5.30p.m., which was during our break so we were hanging out backstage~ My favourite part of the entire concert was probably listening to Marken and Joel play Explosive in the corridor backstage while Crystal was helping Joy and I put on makeup in the handicapped toilet (where Joy told me I look pretty only when I have my hair in a French braid and when I'm not wearing my specs z.z I think she has something against spectacles). They sounded absolutely amazing in the confined space, I wish that was how people heard it, because it felt like we were being enveloped in the music and it was such a warm fuzzy feeling. Especially since their small group was really really really good :)

Crystal was the only one I saw before the intermission, during which I walked across the lobby with Joel's alto and saw Debs, who only just arrived thanks to some miscommunication with Abii z.z The best part was giving/getting hugs with the guitar still clutched in one hand :) So good to see everyone again omg :3

One of the most amusing things for me was cringing over ties. Cutting the price tag off Hankun's newly bought white tie? (Y) Just because I couldn't stand it hahaha :3

(Before Explosive)
B: Omg your tie. Fix it, I'll hold your guitar.
M: (shifts tie a bit) Okay done
B: Will you button your shirt properly?!
M: No! Give me back my guitar!
(tussle over alto ensues)

Then I gave up and said that the more I looked at Marken the more pain my eyes would suffer so I went upstairs to watch Hanuman and Explosive :) I think the only real regret I have is not being able to see the concert myself (even though we all heard the auditions and the rehearsals a few times before the real concert) because I thought we were awesome. The Show, Usher Valse, Love Me/You and I Both, Hanuman and Brazilian Street Dance (amongst many others) -- the variety was so great and I think for people who don't play guitar, it was an eyeopener to see the all the different kinds of sounds you can create with a guitar :) Mas Que Nada was especially amazing since we only got the piece roughly a week before the concert, but I think we pulled it off quite effectively, all things considered. The rhythm was infectious and I was bobbing in my seat while playing :)

After the concert it was a mad rush to go around giving flowers and finding friends. Kewei actually went on stage to receive stalks of roses from a ton of people and a Pooh soft toy hahaha, Tey Guan also got a huge bunch of flowers. Azira came to pass me a sunflower, which was incredibly sweet because I know she doesn't like flowers all that much :) She also passed Marken chocolate since she knew he didn't want flowers :3 Then I went outside to find Abii, Brenda, Crystal and Debbie for pictures and hugs :) I passed them all flowers because my sister bought so many extras z.z We saw so many SN people, it was great! I just wish I had gotten pictures with everyone but it was this huge incredible rush to pack up all the guitars and load them on to the truck back to school. On the bus ride back to school Momo was playing the guitar and we were all singing along~

All I can say is, it was so so so much fun. ♥






(I wish my skin looked this pink and glowy all the time z.z Thanks makeup)


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