I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Friday, June 25, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

June Holidays (or more accurately, the adventures of Belinda and Crystal)

Ahh backlog of stuff. Okay I'll try to do it in chronological order:
  • 30 May (Monday) Transcendance at HC with Crystal (and their auditorium looks creepily like a lecture theatre, same chairs and tables and everything), was quite shocked that they sold out like 3 shows of 1000+ capacity each. People were standing up because there weren't enough seats :O Saw Tey Guan (hahahaha last person I'd imagine I'd see at HC Dance tbh!) and spoke for a very short while with Sam before leaving. Had Sogurt in the morning, found the score for Koshkin's The Fall of Birds (!!!!!!!), ate at some densely HC populated place, sat around at Starbucks for 2 hours while they turned off their air con z.z
  • Fell pretty sick over the next few days ):
  • 5 June (Saturday) My dad called SPCA to rescue a kitten he had been feeding for the past week or so who dropped into the basement of the abandoned house she'd been playing at. Then we went to SPCA (where we played with cats a lot nicer than Nike :P) to rescue her and bring her home. We put her in my parents' bathroom, which is sort of Nike's territory. Nike, being the stupid cat that she is, freaked out about the puny little kitten and ran away from home z.z So now George is living in my room.
  • 8 June (Tuesday) Dragged Crystal to Furama Hotel to have lunch where Bernice was having her job attachment as a waitress. Her boss was nice enough to give us a 2 for 1 offer :) Which was great because it was $35 per person before GST. After that we went to try on stuff in F21, which is better than I remember haha, especially from when it first appeared at VivoCity, blergh. I was too cheap to buy anything though (despite a few really really cute dresses) but I ended up buying The Avalanche by Sufjan Stevens (which I love love love love ♥) and a Segovia CD
  • 9 June (Wednesday) PW consultation in the afternoon, went pretty much crappily. Went to buy cat litter and a larger litter box for George
  • 10 June (Thursday) 4G class outing! ♥ Well we were supposed to have our "half yearly blood drinking ritual" (Crystal's lovely nickname for our sleepovers :) but thanks to having to rush for the deadline on Friday for PW and Abii getting sick from OCIP, we decided to move it to Tuesday/Wednesday instead. We were supposed to eat at the sushi buffet at first, but then it didn't open until 3p.m., so we decided to go Marina Square and try Seoul Garden, which was full, so we ended up at Billy Bombers. Got stressed out by PW so Crystal and I left after lunch. I did buy my ukulele though :)
  • 11 June (Friday) Last minute PW meeting with Mr Koh. By last minute I mean I finished complied our new GPP at 2a.m. and the consultation was at 10.30a.m. And we got a good! Finally finally omg, it put me in such a relieved/happy state for the day. Proceeded to Crystal's house to bake cupcakes for my dad's birthday. Bought too much flour so we decided to make star-shaped scones as well, which were basically pretty much tasteless :3 I overwhipped the whipped cream as well and they turned into little curdles and I had to scoop them out of the basin by hand. Grossest thing ever z.z Modesto's for my dad's birthday, which was as good as ever. Although I couldn't finish my food, which was sort of odd because it seemed fine when I went with Brenda and Yiling
  • 15 & 16 June (Tuesday/Wednesday) Sleepover! Went to Thomson Plaza with Crystal to buy guitar strings and then Brenda G arrived at my house, so she spent like half an hour talking to my grandma haha :3 When we came back we tried to lure Nike out from underneath my dad's bed, then Crystal found the single most disgusting worm on her leg. So we freaked and jumped on the bed while Brenda G, being the brave woman she is, trapped it underneath Crystal's water bottle. THEN THE STUPID WORM FOUND A WAY TO WORM ITS WORMY WAY OUT FROM UNDER THE BOTTLE ): We were only saved by my maid who bravely killed it. Spent the next few hours playing Mambo de Chocobo which Crystal arranged for a duet and found out exactly how bad my timing/rhythm is :3 Crystal also pro-ly deduced chords for beautiful Jason Mraz songs for ukulele and/or guitar. Then we Youtube-d for ages, mostly for Lady Gaga hahahah ALEJANDRO :3 Then Abii finally arrived and we proceeded to watch How I Met Your Mother! Dinner was hor fun and yi mee, and Crystal and I played Plane on guitar and sang while Abii tried to learn to play I'm Yours on the ukulele. I love having friends who are musically talented hahahah makes hearing them sing a real treat :) Then we tried to learn Alejandro hahahahahaha Abii was Gaga and Crystal and I were the prancing dancers. Bathed while watching My Girl and fell asleep while watching True Blood. (All the while laughing at Bill/Sam: Would you care to join me? I hear the water in Arkansas is... very hard (y) Woke up, ordered McD's delivery because it was raining while watching I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant (which is the best show ever btw) then Youtube-d more on stuff like Will It Blend? and a guy who did 200 different voices in like 10 minutes. Abii left for school, then George decided to have diarrohea and walk all around my room ): So we had to wash, mop and change bedsheets. After mugging while watching House, we went for a very incredibly late lunch at 4p.m. then Crystal left. I love sleepovers :3
I should really get to mugging