I don't actually have a giraffe. ):

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Lots of prom pictures on fb now, which got me thinking about what I would wear if I were a boy. To prom, that is.

So fucking suave mhm ♥


Haha okay maybe not this but I thought it was cool and fashion forward~~

And I'd have hair like ZQ's

Undercuts are so sexy urgh ♥


Or maybe Capt. Fine's

The reason all of my prom inspiration (sounds weird to even say that since it's for a male version of me hahahaha, or you know, if I get a boyfriend between now and prom) involves either Zachary Quinto or Chris Pine is because I'm on a Star Trek kick right now :3

A Trek spam following this would be logical.



Leather jacket <: <: <:

ZQ has perfect arms mhm

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Things I want to do for this holiday:
  • Finish watching Big Bang Theory Season 3
  • Watch Star Trek: The Original Series Season 2
  • Watch Star Trek: The Original Series Season 3
  • Read all the books I recently bought
  • Watch the Linear Algebra lectures I downloaded on iTunes
  • Complete my math tutorials
  • Physics e-learning
  • Revise all the Chem topics taught after CTs (memorise + re-do tutorials)
  • Pick out linguistics books to read
  • Read them
  • Read a few issues of TIME for GP
This will make it the first time I'll be studying during the December holidays. Oh, A Levels. ): I think I will probably be able to get through next year by keeping the fact that this time next year I will be drinking my liver into oblivion, drunk on the joy of getting rid of the A Levels in mind.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Once a little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it. I loved it. I answer all my children’s letters — sometimes very hastily — but this one I lingered over. I sent him a card and I drew a picture of a Wild Thing on it. I wrote, “Dear Jim: I loved your card.” Then I got a letter back from his mother and she said, “Jim loved your card so much he ate it.” That to me was one of the highest compliments I’ve ever received. He didn’t care that it was an original Maurice Sendak drawing or anything. He saw it, he loved it, he ate it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's easy to ignore unpleasantness when there are awesome sauce things going on around you. For example, had lunch with Crystal today (whom I list as Ron Weasley on my contact list; I'm Harry Potter to her heehee :), Unstoppable with Yiling and Abs tomorrow, Deathly Hallows with my dearest Bren Bren ♥ and the last day of school on Friday! Oh, and I'm watching Star Trek: The Original Series! :) So, many many things to look forward to, no need to dwell on the negativity around me :3

Saturday, November 13, 2010



While it will feel ridiculous, it will look awesome.






It was a big dog.


Friday, November 12, 2010

I've been watching Star Trek: The Original Series and some of it is horrendous, but some of it is absolutely frigging genius. Whatever the case, it's making me feel more and more nerdy. Now all I need is to start watching Doctor Who to really bolster my image of cool nerdery. And maybe purchase a pair of Wayfarers.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

What about little microphones? What if everyone swallowed them, and they played the sounds of our hearts through little speakers, which could be in the pouches of our overalls? When you skateboarded down the street at night you could hear everyone's heartbeat, and they could hear yours, sort of like sonar. One weird thing is, I wonder if everyone's hearts would start to beat at the same time, like how women who live together have their menstrual periods at the same time, which I know about, but don't really want to know about. That would be so weird, except that the place in the hospital where babies are born would sound like a crystal chandelier in a houseboat, because the babies wouldn't have had time to match up their heartbeats yet. And at the finish line at the end of the New York City Marathon it would sound like war.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I was just looking through the pictures from Saturday and it reminded me of when Abii told me that girls from mixed schools usually smile without showing their teeth. I think I told her that maybe they felt that it was cuter/more demure, but I realise that the reason I only have one picture out of 40+ showing my teeth is because my teeth are jank as shit. Sometimes I feel like I should just be brave about the pain and get my teeth and jaw fixed (since it's really really the part I dislike the most about my face) but then I think about John Entwistle and how he's the most amazing bassist on Earth and how I like him even more because he's British and has jank ass teeth like me :)

And also, for the pre-dry run speech we had to give in front of the class, my PW teacher said one of my "plus points" (amongst many many many shortcomings, most of which I already know and will have to try and fix/cover up in 3 weeks) is my natural/nice smile :3 I don't think I've ever heard that from anyone before haha :)

As sucky as PW is, it's nice to have something in common to complain about when you meet old classmates and there's nothing much else to talk about (and sometimes even when you do have other more interesting things to say heehee) because you weren't really close when you were in the same class but then 2 years together means you're reluctant not to say hi/acknowledge each other.

I saw a bunch of Sec 2 SN girls while waiting for the bus at AMK Hub today who had the green SN foolscap paper characteristic of EOYs clutched in their hands. It made me wish that I were still back in SN when end of EOYs meant end of the school year. PW is stressing me out more than exams .__. Talking about PW, WR's due in 3 days and I need to be writing my acknowledgements/abstract. Thank god I have a laser printer and a binding machine at home because this means that I can print my WR at 4am on Friday morning HELL YEAH.

In the morning, my paternal grandma told me that it was my Chinese birthday today and that 1) I could not visit my maternal grandma in the hospital today and 2) to buy a non-chopped up chicken drumstick home for lunch. I don't really like that I'm specifically forbidden to visit my other grandma but I have to respect her wishes, old superstitions aside (and I guess I don't like taking unnecessary chances with luck with WR submission so close, but I still want to visit my other grandma). When my paternal grandpa was still alive, he would buy us a fully intact chicken drumstick for dinner on our Chinese birthday. Feels a bit like deja vu with the hospital visits. I can't believe it's been a year.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I think I'm going to talk about Keith Moon being my inspiration tomorrow



10am to midnight

Met up with Abii, Debbie and Yiling for some much-needed retail therapy today. There is something so exciting in watching others buying cute stuff heehee all the thrill of finding something nice without the pinch in your pocket :) I didn't realise how much I miss shopping (I don't count a 15-minute expedition to HMV as shopping .__.) until today. Then again I also didn't realise that I only sleep well when I'm completely relaxed - which doesn't exactly happen very often - until 2 days ago.

Iron Madien, Miley Cyrus, Ke$ha, Xbox, Jake Gyllenhaal and Quadrophenia (urgh urgh so happy ♥♥♥♥ thanks babes :) :) at HMV; berets at Uniqlo; paella and balloon turtles at Marche (I hope Debbie managed to recover my lost turtle from Andersen's!); polka-dotted button downs and rabbit-print scarves at Zara; fake Wayfarers at Rubi; rum & raisin at Andersen's.

Add camwhoring, long talks about creepers and classmates and a lot of laughter and you have a perfect day out :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

(In which I abuse parentheses)

I post like once a month now haha oh man I am awesome :) I used to post pictures all the time but now I'm too lazy to upload any pictures on Photobucket and transfer them here when I actually do look for pictures, which is becoming an increasingly rare occurrence nowadays. Ah, the good old days :3

I bought Prince of Persia and Percy Jackson today for $9.90 each. I'm not sure why I bought them actually. I mean, they're nice enough to watch but they're not ~great. Then again I can count on one hand the movies I think are fantastic, so. I don't think I'm picky, I think I just don't watch enough movies ahem

I also saw Two Sides of the Moon for $80. I am seriously considering buying it. I can't even find the deluxe edition online! Talking about buying things online, I bought a new wallet on Etsy heehee it should be here in a few weeks! :) I must also remember to buy House S6 and A Single Man on Amazon tomorrow

The reason I'm buying so much stuff is because Promos is over! I guess it wasn't that bad, I barely even studied for it to be honest. I'm quite worried about getting a C for ELL. Yiling says it's out of character for me to be aiming for a C for an exam, plus I was looking through my notes right before the exam when we were having sushi at Thomson Plaza, which I, as a general rule, don't do (the looking through the notes before an exam part, not the eating sushi with Yiling part haha). I don't know, my studying habits have changed so much this year. I'm becoming increasingly lazy ): I wasn't even stressed for Promos and it's such a contrast with O Levels eh. It's quite worrying. I just hope I do well enough to take H3 Math. Ah well.

I feel really happy right now :) Since I spent the evening watching Percy Jackson (corniest lines ever haha), planning a Ke$ha-themed birthday party, buying stuff online and I've spoken to every single one of my close friends in the past two days ♥

Debbie! says: (AM 12:03:56)
Belinda says: (AM 12:05:06)
Debbie! says: (AM 12:07:58)
Debbie! says: (AM 12:08:17)
get you some underwear and print bale's pic on it
Debbie! says: (AM 12:08:22)
shit no i'll be too embarrassed
Debbie! says: (AM 12:08:25)
to go to the shop to do that
Belinda says: (AM 12:09:00)
Belinda says: (AM 12:09:03)
please do it!!
Belinda says: (AM 12:09:13)
omg omg omg i will never take it off! (: (: (:

When we were on the phone just now, Crystal told me she doesn't think I love her as much as she loves me ♥ Every time I think she's said the single sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me (she told me I make her happy the other day, which is the best compliment anyone has ever given me in my life :) she says something even sweeter ♥ I'm also meeting Abii tomorrow right after she finishes her last paper and I'm going to meet Debbie and Brenda on Saturday! :)

SN friends make me happy :)

SN was just so much simpler. You could go up to someone, ask them if they like Christian Bale, and become best friends :) You could become best friends with someone with the same birthday, because that's just awesome. You look forward to lab sessions because your lab partner is amazing ♥ There were always people to go recess with (and I actually looked forward to recess, now free blocks are just epic mugging sessions) and we would buy food from the same stall (and argue about where to buy food from beforehand because we eat Western stall too much) sit there with our emptied plates and talk about stuff until 5 minutes before the bell.

There were classmates who participated in my love for The Dark Knight, Star Trek, random male models (especially random male models! I remember people looking through my diary full of pictures of hot guys :), RVP and Cesc Fabregas, Queer as Folk and a lot more I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting right now. I remember listing the Hot 100 (an idea started by me and Bernice because we were upset that AfterElton only wanted the opinion of gay men on their Hot 100, we like talking about hot men too much to be concerned with labels~) during Physics and Chem mini-lectures in the Secondary AVA room with Crystal (the benefits of being index number partners with your bestest friend in the world :)

I just don't think I'll ever feel as comfortable in Raffles as I do in SN. I honestly can't imagine loving anyone in my class the way I love my SN friends. It doesn't matter that I wasn't close to everyone in class, it still felt like home (personally I feel that coming out of 4 Grace with 5 absolutely amazing friends is more than enough ♥). It doesn't matter that I argue with my desk partner on a regular basis because whatever it is, I always remember that I love her way too much to remain annoyed at her and she consistently forgives me when I piss her off as well. It doesn't matter if you want to put your legs up on the desk or if you want to strip in class because the pinafore is awesome and versatile like that :)

I'm just happy I have the next 2 months to enjoy being around my SN friends :) I think having friends that you just click with on every single level (I think Abii and I agree on just about every single hot guy, I honestly cannot express how important this can be in a friendship) makes it slightly harder to find new friends in a new environment. I mean, I want people to be funny, have their own opinion, like the same things I do, put up with me when I'm crabby (which won't happen all that often because there's no reason to be unhappy around awesome people), watch a movie with me JUST because I think an actor is handsome (and then not complain that much when it turns out to be a horrible horrible horrible movie) and there has to be that ~spark when we talk (or chemistry or whatever you want to call it. It's that feeling where you can talk to someone for hours and hours and then you run out of things to say but you still want to stay on the phone and come up with more nonsense to talk about because they're amazing that way).

(And I tell Bernice repeatedly that I'm incapable of love hahaha)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Haven't posted in foreverrrrrrrrrrr I probably should blog regularly (reading past posts is quite fun, if sometimes slightly painful) but there's always my handy chicken book to fall back on + my MSN conversation logs

Actually there's nothing much I want to say. Maybe other than I am a lazy ass who should be sleeping/studying right now.

I wish I were rich. I need a new wallet desperately and I think the only wallet I would be happy with would be a mbmj one. Why don't I have $500 lying about? I spent most of Saturday at Orchard looking for a wallet and ended up getting my eyebrows threaded instead (they look pretty good in my opinion, Bernice said hers hurt like a bitch). Spent today on PW and Guitar lesson. I really really really need to start mugging like the hardcore mugger I was last year or else I will do lousy for Promos and I won't get a H3 and I won't get a scholarship (although I probably won't anyway, considering my lack of extra-curricula involvement + C for Chinese) and I won't get to go overseas and find my castle-owning Scottish husband.

Talking about Scottish castles, I checked them out online yesterday. Some of them come with titles! Or at least the 5 million pounds one did. (See what I do instead of study? This is very very bad. Last year when I posted "I need to study" I just meant I need to complete what I meant to do that day but this year it's "I need to catch up with what I am supposed to do because I'm about a week behind schedule and there isn't an extra week before Promos for me to mug")

PW is highly stressful. I don't know how great our WR is (probably not very) and it's so raw and unfinished and I'm really really really worried as to how we're going to finish it for the consultation on Tuesday and how we're going to edit it and present it properly for the final submission on 17 September. 17 September! That means I have less time for WR than I do for Promos. I can get by with a few Bs for Promos but I absolutely cannot get a B (or even worse, a C) for PW because I already have a C on my A Level cert and no company is going to give a girl with 2 non-As (or more. I don't see how I'm going to get an A for GP or for ELL) on her A Level cert a scholarship. There's a reason why it's called the A Levels z.z

Okay I really should go sleep. I've wasted so so so so much time today.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I think crying would make me feel better.

Friday, August 6, 2010


(via Tumblr via Crystal)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Awesome facts

1) Otters sleep holding hands :3
2) Carrots were white in colour 300 years ago, the Dutch selectively bred them to be orange as a tribute to the House of Orange

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's late

I was crapping all over the place during Guitar to try to cheer Joy up. I may or may not have succeeded (I think I did though, at least a little bit), but at least I amused myself.

M: Why are you sniggering?
B: (to Joy) I think Marken just hasn't seen me happy yet
in response to Ji Heng suanning Tey Guan in front of the entire CCA

I remember trying to find common interests between me and Joy.
B: Do you like Christian Bale? Do you like --
J: No and I don't like him naked either
B: I wasn't going to ask you if you like a clothed Bale better than a naked Bale, I was going to move on to Jake Gyllenhaal

At least we found our common love -- Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I have decided that from now on, I'll just eat bananas, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and drink beer. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be happy forever. But Joy told me that I won't be beautiful anymore if I grow fat :3 Stupid fat-cist :P

Other than crapping with Joy, the only other high point of my day was PW. PW! So yeah, not the greatest of days ever.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Before GP

Today before GP we were playing hangman and I put down _ _ _ _ _ / VAN / _ E _ _ _ E (footballer, Dutch) and I was quite sad that no one seemed to be able to guess who my favourite footballer was. Then Marken said "Van Persie?" Which was amazing because he doesn't even watch football. Apparently it's because he reads newspapers and Robin scores... sometimes (he just had to rub in the fact that RVP only scores sporadically, but still, the main point is that someone who doesn't watch football still knows RVP! :)

Can't be bothered to type in full paragraphs anymore:
  • I don't remember why but I said something about imagining Ravins naked, there was this pause, then Marken said "Eww" in a mildly disturbed voice then Ahmed agreed haha
  • Spent most of GP talking to Ahmed about random stuff like people getting drunk in Tokyo (plus the various merits of drinking vodka) and attempts to buy R21 movie tickets. Somehow Carnegie Mellon was mentioned too.
  • Met Crystal at the last minute to have dinner at AMK Hub. Was nice catching up with her :) So so so broke now though urgh.
  • Ended off CTs with 2 As and 3 Bs. The only B I'm unhappy with is Physics, it was mildly surprising to get B for GP and ELL. So overall I guess I'm okay with my marks.
  • I think my CT is pissed off with me because I forged my parents' signature right in front of him. Oops. But I told my dad and he just found it highly amusing (shrugs) My dad's opinion matters more to me


I'm insanely proud of both these pictures, both taken by me but not with my own camera (because I don't have one haha)



Friday, July 9, 2010

I have decided I should attempt to actually talk about something someone would actually care about instead of being incredibly self-centred (I mean, I really do basically treat this as my diary, minus any personal thoughts/opinions) or posting pictures of nice-looking people :) Although those two are kind of the polar opposites of each other (yes obviously I think sharing pictures of nice-looking people is a kind thing to do)

Today was sort of odd.

(It's been so long since I've said something note-worthy on this blog that has more than a 0.0005% chance someone might talk about in real life that I feel quite self-conscious just even considering saying (typing?) this. But I think it will be a good exercise.)

First I found out that my (completely and utterly made-up) scandal is a lot more well-known than I think it is. It's hard not to be aloof about it when somebody brings it up because there honestly isn't anything going on despite the fact that I can kind of understand why people might think this way.

I was confident that the "oh boys and girls can't just be friends" thing wouldn't apply to us but apparently, I'm wrong. I think it's because I get raunchier the closer I get to someone. Like after I talk about porn, even statements that were intended to be innocuous (for example, "Eh are you very hot?" referring to the temperature) could be taken to mean something dirtier, even if I can't think of anyone who would be so forward.

I probably shouldn't assume a male friend will react the same way to my vaguely dirty/outrightly dirty comments the same way I expect my female friends to (sigh) If I try to cut out all the sexual comments from my conversations then I don't really have very much else to say.

I don't know for sure, but in my opinion becoming dirtier is better than becoming meaner with increasing familiarity. Joy says I at least seem to be capable of comprehension of someone else's feelings, even if I don't particularly care for them. I like to think I care more about someone the closer I become to them.

Then someone I didn't (and still don't) know who happened to sit in the seat next to mine at the computer lab called me pretty while I was hunched up and being all >:( over a computer typing out interview questions right before PW. I think the novelty of being found to be attractive by someone has worn off already. Maybe because it's never the person I want to hear say that saying that.

Let's not even add Math into the equation. But I didn't even stay sad about Math for very long, maybe 20 minutes. I think I'm just not cut out to be sad. Unless I'm feeling guilty, then that feeling persists for-fucking-ever (infixes are for emphasis)

But forever is roughly a day in my world. Maybe I should say the intensity of the guilt is shocking instead, that's more accurate.

I guess there really isn't a point to this post. I just need to ramble on a bit, save Crystal from the weird introspection and it's not really something I can talk to Joy about anyway (even if she's the best person to get all oddly reflective with).

More gaying during the June holidays :)

Stayed at Hard Rock Hotel for 3 days during the last week of the holidays because we wanted to go to Universal Studios but it was solidly sold out. So we didn't do very much there. My routine was: wake up, eat, eat more, watch HIMYM, eat dinner, drink Irish beer/Irish whiskey/wine, attempt to study, fail at studying, watch football, sleep. Repeat. The hotel was so so so pretty though, and our level had this gigantic picture of Pete Townshend, which was pretty cool.

Physics, ELL and GP CTs were atrocious. I would be surprised if I pass any of those three. I am so so disappointed with Math. ): Chem was fine, I'm mildly surprised that people made it out to be so difficult, because I honestly thought it was fine.

Watched Eclipse with Abii, Brenda and Crystal right after Physics CT. Crystal and Abii thought Yiling was going to come so they bought 5 tickets, so we had one spare seat for our bags z.z Such a bad movie omg I think I listened to maybe 50% of the dialogue, I was either talking to Crystal about gravitation v circular motion or just generally spacing out. Xavier Samuel is gorgeous though x.x Saw Debbie having dinner at Fish & Co hahahaha, then went to talk at McDonalds while Crystal ate an ice-cream :3

After Guitar exco meeting on Friday, went to Debbie's house to sleepover and watch Netherlands v Brazil (2-1, FUCK YEAH! ♥). Almost didn't happen because an hour before we were supposed to meet, Crystal smsed me: "I'm damn tired leh, I don't want to go anymore" because she was doing the Alejandro dance the entire day z.z But she managed to drag herself out of her house despite the fact that someone stole Ghost ): Had dinner at AMK Hub (and then coffee at Coffee Bean, I cannot understand why people like chai lattes, they're damn gross D: ) then magically made our way to Debbie's without getting lost.

Crystal played Plane on Debbie's piano, which sounded amazing. Debbie stunned us with her voice too, which was as loud as her louder than average piano. I think Debbie's grandfather was quite happy about Crystal playing the piano :3 After trying the Alejandro dance, we settled down to watch Netherlands v Brazil. Brazil damn dirty, so many fouls given. Heh heh ;) Celebrated after the match by posting statues on fb going "YOU AIN'T MUCH IF YOU AIN'T DTUCH" and generally being creepers. Finally revived letsdrinkblood-everyday then settled down in bed at around 3a.m.

Debbie fell asleep the first, Crystal nodded off around 4.30a.m. so Abs and I were the only ones left talking until 5.30a.m. :) We planned to wake up at 7a.m. because Debbie needed to leave the house at 8a.m. for Choir (VJ Choir is damn hiong z.z) but we were all "mhm.... yeah we're up... mhm" at 7.55a.m., heh. So Debbie left first, leaving us to wash up and get out of her house. We tried to drag ourselves out of bed and we actually managed to get up and brush our teeth but we fell back asleep and woke up at 10a.m. hahahahha felt kind of like a mini walk of shame

Took a bus back to Upper Thomson to eat my favourite fried fish mee then went our separate ways to go home and crash. I very very nearly fell asleep at the dinner table because I was trying not to screw up my sleep schedule by attempting to stave off sleep until 10p.m. but I got super grumpy and basically insulted the vet for insinuating that we were poor kitten owners by not feeding George the "kitten food that she needs". Sorry I can't do that, she has diarrohea if I do, so screw you and your lousy Sydney degree.

It was useless to keep my "normal" sleep schedule because of the World Cup semi-finals. Crystal and I had this wonderful routine: sleep at 8p.m., call each other at 2a.m., watch the match while chatting on MSN, call each other after the match to discuss the match/arrange call times for that morning then go back to bed until 6a.m. :) YAY ORANJE GOT THROUGH TO THE FINALS!! I was really really really hoping for a Germany v Netherlands finals (rivalries are the best) but stupid Paul and his stupidly accurate predictions. I am going to have octopus paella someday soon >:( So now Oranje has to beat Spain GO DUTCHIES! RVP IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO SCORE. I want Germany to win 3rd place, I don't like Uruguay. And they deserve it anyway, they've been really good :3

Monday, June 28, 2010